The New Year began with some good news, the road resurfacing with tar in Garodia Nagar. This again is not for the entire colony only the main route, that is from Police Chowky (Devang bldg) to Sati Kripa shopping center & further down to Mamta Hospital.
The question that arises is what is the point of putting tar on the surface area, whereby it has increased the height of the road to such an extent that most of the building compound level is much lower which will aggravate the water logging in the buildings. It was earlier brought to the notice of the corporator that any future road work has to be done keeping in mind that the level of the road is always at par or little lower from the buildings compound floor. So to see the work walked to a nearby building and clicked the photographs
The work is shoddy, without proper supervision or logical understanding as to how it should be done. The sand smoothing of the road is very badly done & i am quite sure with the first rains the surface will be damaged. The slope for the water to flow to the drain holes is also not done properly, the gutter holes are blocked with tar & this will keep water on the roads rather than draining it.
All through a very shoddy work, which really make us realise that this is again election gimmick.
The garden opposite Garodia Palace was being relaid with new tiles & walkway , new compound walls, planting of new saplings and beautification. It has been days now but does not look like the work is completely over , this again is shoddy work to say the least, though the walls have been painted appreciating Mr Prakash Mehta for his help.
6o feet road
Walking the other day on 6o feet road , felt sorry to see the mess that has been made with the new paver block work of the best road that Ghatkopar east had. The paver blocks have been put in such clumsy & uneven way that one now has to be looking down all the time while walking & tripping over couple of times is for sure. Spare a thought for the senior citizens & also little children with vehicles passing by at high speed.Overall the Ghatkopar East PWD work of the BMC is not being monitired nor the citizens have even bothered to take a stand against the wasteful manner in which the BMC is blowing away the tax payers money.
This then is the story of Ghatkopar East, where not many are ready to raise a stand & question authorities or their chosen candidate (MP / MLA / Corporator).